Stop Clock: A timeline of what happens when you quit smoking
by Melissa Greenlaw on Jul 02, 2021
If you’re a smoker, you’ve probably already asked yourself what would happen if you quit. It’s hard to comprehend the impact you can make on your body and mind when you’re still hooked on smoking. To give you the push you need to quit, we’ve come up with a timeline of what happens when you quit smoking.
- 20 minutes - It doesn’t take long for quitting to have an effect. Twenty minutes after your last cigarette, your pulse and blood pressure will return to a normal speed.
- 8 hours - After a full working day not smoking, carbon monoxide levels within your blood will massively reduce. Your oxygen levels will also start to reach normal levels. Next time you’re desperate for a smoke break at work, make sure to take your vape kit along to avoid any pesky cravings.
- 2 days - If you’ve been smoking for years, you may not have even noticed your taste and smell gradually getting worse - until you quit smoking. A couple of days after you quit, you’ll start to notice that your food and drink tastes better than it has for years.
- 4 days - Take a deep breath because after 4 days of quitting, you’ll notice your breathing starting to get easier. This is because your bronchial tubes (i.e. passageways in your lungs) will begin to loosen. Plus, you may notice that your energy levels increase too.
- 2 weeks - Congratulations. Two weeks can feel like a long time for someone quitting cigarettes. Thankfully, when you hit the 14 day mark, you should start to notice those irritating cravings falling away.
- 3 months - A lot can happen in 3 months. The circulation in your body will improve drastically, as well as your cravings being gone for good. At the 10 month mark, your smoker’s cough should finally disappear, with lung function should improve by about 10%.
- 1 year - It’s time to celebrate your anniversary - 1 year off the deathsticks is definitely something you should be proud of! At this point in your quitting journey, the risk of heart disease has reduced by 50% compared to when you were smoking.
- 10 years - Unsurprisingly, a major reason many smokers decide to quit is lung cancer. It can take 10 years for your risk of getting lung cancer to reduce by 50% compared to smokers.
- 15 years - After a decade and a half, you’ll have finally reset the clock. Your health risks will now be the same as someone who has never smoked, including heart disease, heart attacks and lung cancer.
Quitting smoking is never going to be easy, but there are ways to make it smoother. Vaping provides a proven, simple way to replace the habit by reducing those nicotine cravings that pop up throughout the day whilst being 95% safer than smoking. Looking to make the switch? Grab a vape kit today and stamp smoking out for good.